Monday, September 12, 2011


A quick update from the love birds....

1. We are still living with my sis and bro-in-law in their guest bedroom. We have loved hanging out with them everyday and are SO grateful to them for letting us stay here for so long! However.....

2. We found a place to live!!!!!! It's pretty much the perfect set-up. Brand new 3 bdrm 2 bath duplex in Rupert in the {only} newly developed subdivision in the city. We are really excited about it!! Nice big master bedroom with walk-in closet and attached full bath, big yard with grass and a fence {aka PUPPY ready!!} and just a few blocks from Jeff's office! Although Burley is just a few miles away, we wanted to find a place in Rupert, if possible, so that we could get involved in the community and the wards and meet the people who will sooner or later be Jeff's clients ;) It is still being built, but will be done by Oct. 1st. Yay for housing! {And with TWO extra bedrooms, NONE of you have any excuse not to come visit us ;}

3. Little Car is still out of service.... BIG :(. Not only is it super inconvenient not having a car all day long while Jeff works, but I MISS her too. I have a definite emotional attachment to my car... she is the 1st and only car that I can call "my car". I have had her since spring of 2004 and we have been through EVERYTHING together, including high school, college, working, dating, engagement and marriage. I've bawled hysterically and laughed hysterically in her. I've had personal epiphanies in her. I've broken up with and been broken up with in her. I've made huge, life-changing decisions while sitting in her. I've cursed, screamed and banged on her steering wheel. I have been as far west as Portland, as far north as Moscow, as far east as Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and as far south as San Diego {twice, in one semester} in her. She drove us to and from our wedding reception on our wedding day! And on November 19, 2010 she officially became MY car! {Happy wedding to us! Thanks Dad :} I would be content driving her until the day she or I dies- whichever comes first. Fingers crossed that that day hasn't come.....

4. My brother Dallin, who is currently serving his mission in Taiwan, has been pretty sick for a while now and they're not sure what is causing it. He's lost about 25 pounds and a lot of hair, which generally points to some sort of malnutrition. He also hurt his shoulder playing basketball early on in the mission, and that has gotten worse lately as well. Dall's mission president called our stake president to let us know that the mission doctor is going to be checking on him each week, and they should be running some tests on him pretty soon. We hope and pray that everything is okay, and he just has some sort of bug {or worm- ugh gross}, and that his shoulder won't require surgery. We miss our big brother, and can't wait to talk to him at Christmas and finally have him home in 7 short months!!!!